Many of us dream of pursuing our passions. But we are afraid to leave our "safe" corporate jobs and take the leap. Carol Ong, founder of, was invited to mentor the young female creative leaders in Cannes Lions See It Be It 2018. One young mentee has a creative career many would give their baby toe for, but she revealed, "What I really want is to be a director. How do I make that shift?"
"You need Shit Money. Fund your freedom," Carol replied.
All women--and all creatives-- need a Shit-I'm-Outta-Here Money. It's not a huge retirement fund. Rather, it's a prison-break-escape-car fund. Many dreams fail simply because we ran out of fuel before it's got a chance to take off.
Learn 10 simple ways to gain your Shit Money, even on third world income. Tap on the link